Cataract Surgery

At Texoma Retina and Glaucoma, we have highly experienced eye surgeons and physicians in Sherman, TX who are able to restore your vision through cataract surgery.

What are Cataracts?

A cataract is an opacity or clouding of the natural crystalline lens of your eye. Cataracts are common as you get older and more than half of people above the age of 50 will have some form of cataract. By the age of 80 more than half of Americans have cataracts or have already had cataract surgery.

Symptoms of cataract include:

-Cloudy, foggy, blurry or dim vision

-Sensitivity to light and glare during day or night when driving

-halo effect around lights or changes in color perception

-development of nearsightedness

Cataracts are treated with outpatient surgery whereby we make a sutureless incision to emulsify with an ultrasound machine your cataract and replace it with a clear artificial lens.  With advanced lens options, you can greatly improve your vision and reduce your dependence on glasses.

We offer advanced lens options such as:

-Alcon Acrysof and Clareon Panoptix, Vivity, toric, and monofocal lens options

-Tecnis Symfony, Eyhance, and toric II IOLs

-BVI Ipure

Contact Texoma Retina and Glaucoma at 903-337-0055 to schedule your exam at one of our office locations

Cataract surgery is performed in Sherman, Texas at one of our affiliate outpatient surgery centers so you can plan your commute accordingly. We are conveniently located off highway 75 and are accessible easily from highway 82. We service a large geographic area from Gainesville, Pottsboro, Paris, Bonham, Denison and back to Sherman Call our number above to schedule your consultation.